For a long time the meaning of the letters on the clasp was not known, because Rolex does not publish official information on this topic. Matthias from the r-l-x forum proposed a theory, which appears to be confirmed by an interesting discussion on that board. In this theory the marking on the clasp corresponds to the manufacturing date of the clasp (and normally to the bracelet, too). An additionally added “S” designates a replacement (or ‘S’ervice) part.
With the known data the theory of the clasp codes is like following table. Although the table is based on a big database of members from the r-l-x-forum, it is nevertheless still another assumption – the correctness cannot be guaranteed for this reason. Important to mention is that the data refers to the date of manufacturing. The sales date can deviate substantially from it.
Jahr / Year | Code |
1976 | VA |
1977 | VB |
1978 | VC |
1979 | VD |
1980 | VE |
1981 | F* |
1982 | G |
1983 | H |
1984 | I |
1985 | J |
1986 | K |
1987 | L |
1988 | M |
1989 | N* |
1990 | O |
1991 | P |
1992 | Q* |
1993 | R |
1994 | S |
1995 | T |
1996 | V |
1997 | Z |
1998 | U |
1999 | X |
2000 | AB |
2001 | DE |
2002 | DT |
2003 | AD |
2004 | CL |
2005 | MA |
2006 | OP |
2007 | EO |
2008 | PJ |
2009 | LT |
2010 | RS |
* These letters are assumed to be correct but they are not proven as Rolex does not release this information to confirm them.